Tuesday 26 January 2010

My first Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Hey!
My first bloggy thing!

Soon to be filled with the assortment of various areas and random boxes of fluffy weirdness that have holed themselves up in my head which is soon to be seven and ten years of age!

For the benefit of ANYONE reading this,I shall let you know (quite alot) about me but not all of it strictly relevant =D

I consider myself a regency princess(not literally royalty,It just sounded poetic) born in the wrong era(I was born in the 20th century,1993, and not actually being much of a '90s child,I technically grew up in the 21st century BUT I should have been born around 1785.I would have fit in a lot better..)

The Regency era is the best era ever!!!!!!!!!!I am SO in love with that time,It's getting to be more of an obsession/love affair....

I love music.Especially Baroque,Classical and Romantic.In THAT order..

Once I discover something,I generally fill my head up with it until not-so-common sense takes over(like Burlesque Dancing which somehow progressed onto wanting to learn French)

Marie Antoinette,Jane Austen and Henry Purcell are absolutely AMAZING!

Pride and Prejudice sends me into a dreamy trance which then results in me reaching for the book/dvd to further fuel my countless dreams AND day dreams(Lost In Austen takes care of that!)

Did you really need to or rather wanted to know all that?
Its debatable.....

Au Revoir!!
Regency Princess

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